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Welcome to Info-Calculator Download Page.  icon.gif (989 bytes)

Version 2.1 is now available. (relis 15 march 1999)

At this page you may download the last version of Info-Calculator.

You may choose language and platform. Info-Calculator is now available either for Win16 and Win32 platforms. There is no functional differences between these versions.

Language / Platform

(Windows 3.xx)

(Windows NT, 95, 98)


ecalc16.zip ecalc32.zip


rcalc16.zip rcalc32.zip

You can register your program at Registration Page

Info-Calculator may be easily configured to any language and national currency by writing configuration file. If you want to have, for example, German version of Info-Calculator, you may:

  1. write German configuration file yourself or
  2. look for German configuration file in the list below and download it, if exists or
  3. wait until German configuration file appear in this list.

If you have written yourself configuration file for your country that does not exist in the list, or you're thinking that your file is better then existing file, you may send it to me and other people will get an opportunity to use it.






Info-Calculator Lite

Info-Calculator Lite is a simplified version of Info-Calculator. It is a freeware program, but it does not support all features of Info-Calculator.

Language / Platform

(Windows 3.xx)

(Windows NT, 95, 98)


lrcalc16.zip lrcalc32.zip


lecalc16.zip lecalc32.zip

If you meet errors in this program, in configuration files, in help file, or has any observations, suggestions, etc., write me infocalc@mail.ru